Friday, January 18, 2013

Another Thought of the Day: Guilt As an Idol

As ridiculous as this thought might initially seem, I think that we can easily make an idol out of our guilt over our sin. 

Conviction of sin through the Holy Spirit leads us to confession and repentance from sin, leading to forgiveness of sin made possible only through the substitutionary act of Jesus Christ on our behalf, which has its glorious end result in right relationship with God eternally. Every step of this process is a God-given gift. However, when we halt the process anywhere along the way (conviction, confession, repentance, forgiveness from God through Christ, but failing to grow in right relationship with God) our feelings over our sin become of greater prominence in our minds than the God whom we've sinned against. Repentance from sin is a result of, and meant to lead us to, the overwhelming grace of our God. (Romans 2:4)

There is nothing new or unique about any of our sin.  Put it in its place, at the foot of cross, and do not pick it up again. And by the grace of God, we will.  To God alone be the glory.

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