Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Haikus through Hebrews, chapter 10

A viewing-over of chapter 10...

The law a shadow,
Perfecting none, condemns and
Necessitates Christ

For by his single
Offering he perfects all
Who are sanctified

A new covenant:
Laws put on hearts and written
On minds, forgiveness

With boldness enter
We by the blood of Jesus
Through opened curtain

Fully assured faith
Hearts clean from guilty conscience
Washed with pure water

Hold unswervingly
To hope confessed, for he who
Promised is faithful

Provoke each other
To love and charity and
See the Day draw near

Set aside the law
Do the will of God, spurn not
The Spirit of grace

Compassion in pain
An abiding possession
Confident reward

We do not shrink back
We live by faith so we may
Receive what's promised

"Acts of sacrifice, in the end, don't do anything.  They do not cleanse your conscience, and they do not set your heart on the things of God.  The routine sacrificial system, then, was not empowered to or designed to cleanse the Israelites' hearts any more than good works are empowered to or designed to cleanse our own.  Even our most rigorous of attempts reveals the hardness of our hearts and the insurmountable brokenness inside them.  This whole enterprise is a blessed exercise in frustration, but it is one that points beyond itself.  Hebrews 10:1 tells us the law is just the shadow of the good things to come.  Similarly, the shadow of good works ought to proceed from the light of the good news."  -from page 67 of The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler with Jared Wilson (Crossway, 2012)

*Important NotePlease read through the whole of Hebrews (I recommend the English Standard Version or New American Standard Bible) for contextual significance (and significant context!). There is a lot of Scriptural meat found outside these 17 syllables.  I pray that the Spirit will cover over any errors made on my part, and most importantly, that He will speak truth to your heart.  To God alone be the glory!

The law is but a
Shadow of good things to come
Not the very things

10:1 (continued)
And thus can never,
By the same sacrifices
Offered year by year,

Make perfect those who
Draw near.  Otherwise, they would
No more be offered,

For the worshipers,
Once cleansed, would no longer have
Consciousness of sins?

But instead through those
Sacrifices there is a
Reminder of sins

It's impossible
For the blood of bulls and goats
To take away sins.

Consequently Christ
Came into the world, saying,
"You did not desire

10:5 (continued)
"Sacrifices and
Offerings, but a body
You've prepared for me.

"In burnt offerings
And sin offerings you have
Taken no pleasure.

"Then I said, 'Behold,
I have come to do your will,
O God, as it is

"'Written of me in
The scroll of the book.'"  After
Christ had said above,

"You did not desire
Animal sacrifices
Or sin offerings,

10:8 (continued)
"Or burnt offerings,
Or other offerings for
Sin, nor were you pleased"

(Though the law required
Them to be made), then he said,
"Behold, I have come

"To do your will, O
God."  He does away with the
First covenant to

Establish the next.
By this will of God we have
Been sanctified through

The offering of
The body of Jesus Christ
Once and for all time.

Every priest stands day
After day ministering,
Offering the same

10:11 (continued)
Sacrifices time
After time, which can never
Take one's sins away.

But when this priest had
Offered one sacrifice for
Sins forever, he

Sat down at the right
Hand of God, waiting from that
Time onward until

His enemies be
Made his footstool for his feet.
For by a single

Offering he has
Perfected forever those
Who are sanctified.

The Holy Spirit
Also testifies to us;
For after, saying,

"This the covenant
I will make with them
After those days, says the Lord:

10:16 (continued)
"I will put my laws
Into their hearts, and in their
Minds will I write them.

"And their sins and their
Lawless acts will I never
Again remember."

And where these have been
Forgiven, there is no more
Offering for sin.

Therefore, brothers, since
We have boldness to enter
The Most Holy Place

By the blood of Jesus,
By a new and living way
He opened for us

Through the curtain, which
Is his body, and since we
Have a great high priest

Who rules over the
House of God, let us draw near
With a sincere heart

In full assurance
Of faith, with our hearts sprinkled
Clean from an evil

Conscience, and bodies
Washed with pure water.  Let us
Hold firmly to hope

We confess without
Wavering, for the one who
Promised is faithful.

Let us consider
One another to provoke
To love and good deeds,

Let us not give up
Meeting together, as is the
The habit of some

10:25 (continued)
But encourage one
Another, and all the more
As the day draws near.

For if we go on
Sinning deliberately
After receiving

Knowledge of the truth,
There no longer remains a
Sacrifice for sins,

There is only the
Terrible expectation
Of God's judgment and

The raging fire that
Will consume his enemies
For anyone who 

Rejects the Law of
Moses dies without mercy
On testimony

Of two or of three
Witnesses.  Just think how much
Worse the punishment

Will be deserved for
Those who have trampled under
Foot the Son of God,

10:29 (continued)
And has regarded
As unclean the blood of the
Covenant by which

10:29 (continued)
He was sanctified,
And who has insulted the
Spirit of God's grace?

For we know the One
Who has said, "Vengeance is mine,
I will repay," and

Again, "The Lord will
Judge his people."  It is a
Terrifying thing

To fall into the
Hands of the living God!  But
Recall the former

Days after you were
Enlightened, when you endured
A great conflict with

Sufferings, sometimes
Being publicly exposed
To reproaches and

Afflictions, and at
Other times you were sharers
With those so treated.

You sympathized with
Those in prison, cheerfully
Submitting to the

10:34 (continued)
Violent seizure
Of your property, because
You know that you have

A better and more
Permanent possession.  So,
Do not throw away

Your confidence, for
It will bring a great reward.
You need endurance

So that when you have
Done the will of God, you may
Receive what's promised.

For in a very
Little while the one who is
Coming will return.

He will not delay.
But my righteous one will live
By faith.  But I will

Take no pleasure in
Anyone who turns away.
But we don't belong

To those who turn back
And are destroyed, but those who
Have faith and are saved.

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