Thursday, December 13, 2012

Haikus through Hebrews, chapter 7

Chapter 7 Summary:

Melchizedek blessed
The one with the promises, 
That is Abraham;

Jesus blesses us,
We who now have promises,
As children of God

The law imperfect
For reconciliation
Necessitates Christ

We rely not on
Works that perpetuate death
But on him who saves

By the power of
An indestructible life
Not basis of law

God's oath makes Jesus
Guarantor of a better covenant,
Eternal priesthood

Perfect sacrifice 
Made once for all makes all who
Follow him perfect

Our High Priest always
Lives to make intercession
For us, drawing near

*Important NotePlease read through the whole of Hebrews (I recommend the English Standard Version or New American Standard Bible) for contextual significance (and significant context!).  There is a lot of Scriptural meat found outside these 17 syllables.  I pray that the Spirit will cover over any errors made on my part, and most importantly, that He will speak truth to your heart.  To God alone be the glory!

For Melchizedek
Was king of Salem and priest
Of the Most High God

To him Abraham
Gave a tenth of all he had
Captured in battle

7:2 (continued)
He is first by name
King of righteousness and then
Also king of peace

He has no father
Mother, genealogy,
Without beginning

7:3 (continued)
Days or end of life 
But made like the Son of God
A priest forever

See how great this man
To whom Abraham gave a
Tenth of choicest spoils

Now the law requires
Sons of Levi who receive
The priestly office

7:5 (continued)
To take tithes from the
People, their brethren, even
Though they too descend

From Abraham, but
Melchizedek does not have
His descent from them

7:6 (continued)
Yet he received tithes
From Abraham and blessed him
Who had the promise

And without dispute
He who is lesser is blessed
By him who's greater

In one case tithes are
Received by mortal men, but
In the other case,

By one of whom it
Is testified that he lives.
One may even say

That Levi himself
Who collects the tithes, paid the
Tithes though Abraham

For he was still in
Abraham's loins when he met
Melchizedek, so

If perfection had
Been attainable through the
Priesthood of Levi,

7:11 (continued)
On which the law was
Based, what further need was there
For another priest

7:11 (continued further)
To arise in the 
Order of Melchizedek
Rather than Aaron?

For when the priesthood
Changes, there must also be
A change of the Law

He of whom these things
Are said belonged to a tribe
From which no one has

Served at the altar
For it is clear that our Lord
Descended from the

7:14 (continued)
Tribe of Judah, and
Moses spoke nothing of them
Concerning priesthood

This becomes even
More clear if another priest
In the likeness of

Melchizedek has
Appeared, one who has become
A priest according

To the power of
An indestructible life
Not on law's basis

For it is declared
About him, "You are The Priest
For eternity

"After the order
Of Melchizedek."  The old
Command is annulled

Because it was weak
And unprofitable, for
The law never made

Anything perfect
But now we have confidence
In a better hope

Through which we draw near
To God, and not without oath.
Others became priests

Without any oath
But Jesus was made a priest
With an oath by God:

"The Lord has sworn and
Will not change his mind, 'You are
A priest forever.' "

By this oath Jesus
Was made guarantor of a
Better covenant

The former priests were
Many in number because
Death prevented them

From continuing
In office, but since Jesus
Remains forever,

He holds his priesthood
Permanently.  Therefore he
Is able to save

Forever those who
Draw near to God through him, since
He always lives to

Make intercession
For them.  For this is the kind
Of high priest we need:

Holy, innocent,
Undefiled, separated
From sinners, and then

Exalted above
The heavens.  He does not need
To offer daily

Sacrifices, like
Those high priests, first for his own
Sin and the people's,

7:27 (continued)
Because this he did
Once for all when he offered
Up himself for us,

For the law appoints
Men who are weak as high priests,
But the word of oath,

7:28 (continued)
Which came after Law,
Appoints a Son who's been made
Perfect forever

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