So the thing that finally convinced me to follow my husband's advice and begin a blog was my recently piqued interest in haikus. If you know me well, then you know how much I like things to be linear (e.g. grammar, math, sewing in straight lines, etc.). This is not necessarily a good thing. Anyhow, I cannot resist a good haiku for its organized and contained form, so instead of bombing my friends' facebook feeds with incessant haikus, they will henceforth be posted here (mostly). I hope you will enjoy a haiku or two through Hebrews with me, hearing amazing truths in a slightly different format. I pray that the Spirit will speak truth to your heart through this feeble attempt, and that He will cover over any errors made. (By the way, I am aware that these are not all in following with the strictest definitions of a haiku, but I digress). To God alone be the glory.
*Important Note: Please read through the whole of Hebrews (I recommend the English Standard Version or New American Standard Bible) for contextual significance (even significant context!). There is a lot of Scriptural meat found outside these 17 syllables.
God spoke long ago
To the fathers by prophets
In various ways
But in these last days
God has spoken to us in
His Son, appointed
God spoke long ago
To the fathers by prophets
In various ways
But in these last days
God has spoken to us in
His Son, appointed
1:2 (continued)
By God heir of all
Things, through whom He made the world
And the universe
The Son radiates
God's glory, the image of
His exact nature
1:3 (continued)
And he upholds and
Things, through whom He made the world
And the universe
The Son radiates
God's glory, the image of
His exact nature
1:3 (continued)
And he upholds and
Sustains the universe by
His powerful word
1:3 (continued)
For sins complete, he sat at
Majesty's right hand
His powerful word
1:3 (continued)
For sins complete, he sat at
Majesty's right hand
Greater than angels
His inheritance obtained
Is more excellent
His inheritance obtained
Is more excellent
For to which angel
Did God ever say, "You are
My Son, today I
1:5 (continued)
"Have begotten you"?
Or, "I will be a father to
Him and he my son"?
Bringing the firstborn
Into the world, He says, "Let
Angels worship him."
Did God ever say, "You are
My Son, today I
1:5 (continued)
"Have begotten you"?
Or, "I will be a father to
Him and he my son"?
Bringing the firstborn
Into the world, He says, "Let
Angels worship him."
Of the angels said,
"He makes them winds. He makes his
Servants flames of fire."
To the Son He says,
"Your throne endures forever
Justice your scepter"
"Righteousness you loved
Iniquity you hated
Anointed gladness"
"In the beginning
Foundations you laid, crafting
Heavens with your hands"
"In the beginning
Foundations you laid, crafting
Heavens with your hands"
"The earth will perish
But you remain forever
All wears out like clothes"
1:12 (continued)
"Roll them up like robes
Like a garment discarded
Heaven and earth changed."
"Always you're the same
And your years will have no end
You live forever."
"Sit at my right hand
I make your enemies a
Footstool for your feet."
Minister spirits
Sent to serve those who shall be
Heirs of salvation
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