Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Haikus through Hebrews, chapter 2

I pray that this chapter will rekindle your awe in our merciful and faithful High Priest!  I also continue to pray that the Spirit will cover over any errors on my part.  With that in mind, some lines are in red to signify Jesus' words, and some verses just had to have more than one haiku--I continue to be amazed at the living Word of God.  To God be the glory! 

**Important Note: Please read through the whole of Hebrews (I recommend the English Standard Version or New American Standard Bible) for contextual significance (and significant context!).  There is a lot of Scriptural meat found outside these 17 syllables.

Listen carefully
To the truth which we have heard
Lest we drift away

For if angels prove
Reliable, how can we
Ignore salvation?

Salvation proclaimed
First by the Lord, confirmed to
Us by those who heard

God bears witness, too
By signs, wonders, miracles,
And Holy Spirit

Manifold powers
According to his own will
Gifts of the Spirit

Not to angels did
He subject the world to come
But all to his Son

2:6 (cross reference Psalm 8:4-6)
What is man that you
Are mindful of him, the Son
That you care for him?

A little lower
Than angels made, but crowned with 
Glory and honor

All in subjection
Nothing left out of control
Even what's not seen

2:8 (again)
All authority
We do not yet see all things
Subjected to him

Glory and honor
Because he suffered death through
God's kindness he died

2:9 (again)
By the grace of God
He has tasted death for all
Now crowned with glory

Bringing many sons to him,
The founder of salvation
Perfect through suff'ring

2:10 (again)
Suffering perfect
Bringing many to glory
Salvation's author

He who sanctifies
And those who are sanctified
All from one Father

Unashamed to call
Them brothers, he says to God,
I proclaim your name

2:12 (again)
I declare your name
In congregation
I will sing your praise

I will trust in him
Here am I with the children
God has given me

He shared flesh with us
Joined in our humanity
As a man he died

2:14 (again)
Children, flesh and blood,
He likewise became the same
That death be destroyed

2:14 (and again)
In death he defeats
The one who holds the power
Of death, the devil

Delivering all
Who through fear of death were slaves
Of him the devil

He delivered all
Who feared dying, subject to
Lifelong slavery

Not angels he helps
Death was authorized in the 
Seed of Abraham

Made like his brethren
A merciful and faithful
High Priest to serve God

Our compassionate
High Priest before God to make

Because he suffered
When tempted, he helps those who
Are being tempted

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