Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thought for the Day: A Saturday Prayer

Lord, prepare me for what still lies ahead in this life; keep changing me. Don't leave me the way I am, unaware of so many sins.  Forgive me for the sins I am aware of, but I'm not sorry for.   Remind me of the cross. Remind me of my utter dependence on it for my existence, not only in the rest of eternity, but as the true source of my life now, in this moment, and every moment. I have no life outside of Jesus.  I have no way outside of Jesus. I have no truth outside of Jesus. Thank you for punishing all my sins, of omission and commission, aware and unaware, in your very Son, for my sake, and for the glory of your great Name.  I cannot believe it, and yet I must believe it with all my heart. Blessed Resurrection, you are here. 

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